When to Seek Professional Care at an Auto Body Shop

Your vehicle is likely the second most expensive investment you make. So, you want to ensure that any repairs are done correctly by an auto body shop.

One way to find a good auto body shop is by asking for referrals from friends and family. Also, check online reviews for shops you’re considering.

Emergency Repairs

The first step is to find a reputable auto body shop. Look for one with a solid online presence and quality before-and-after photos of their work. They should also be clear about their services and how much each will cost.

Then, the auto body shop will disassemble your car to determine the extent of the damage and create a collision repair plan. Some shops may charge a fee for developing this estimate, but it should be the usual hourly labor rate.

Once the shop has a clear picture of your vehicle’s condition, they will contact you and your insurance company to get the go-ahead to begin the repairs. They will probably need to perform another visual inspection and a test drive. During this process, it is common for more damage to surface that was not identified on the initial assessment. If this happens, you should ask the shop to adjust your invoice.

Insurance Claims

If you have recently been in a car accident, your first step should be to call your insurance company. They will be able to guide you on how to proceed with the rest of the process.

However, it is important to know that you have the right to choose the body shop of your choice. It is illegal for insurance companies to steer, force, or pressure you into a certain body shop.

In many states, receiving a check from your insurance company directly can be sent to the body shop of your choice for repairs. This reduces the chance of fraud.

Once you get an estimate approved by the insurance company, your auto body shop will request the disassembly of the vehicle to create a blueprint for the repair work. This will be the basis for any supplements that need to be written. If you need to rent a car while your vehicle is being repaired, your body shop can help you with the arrangement.

Preparing for the Future

Your vehicle is a big investment, and you want to ensure it stays in good condition. That’s why choosing a shop that does quality work and offers warranties is important. A shop should also have a team of professionals who know how to work on your specific car. They will ensure the paint job is even, and the color matches correctly.

As the automotive industry evolves, body shops must stay up to speed with new technologies and materials. This will help keep their customers happy and allow them to grow their business. To do this, they must invest in their staff and technology. OEM Certifications, for example, give technicians advanced tools and training that will help them become pros in the field. This leads to more accurate repairs and higher profit margins for the shop. It also bolsters customer confidence and instills shop loyalty. The result is a happier, more productive technician and a healthier bottom line for the business.

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance should be the way to go to save money and reduce your repair costs. Putting off basic repairs or ignoring obvious problems, sounds, and squeals will only lead to more costly and time-consuming issues.

Whether oil changes, replacing spark plugs, or checking your air filters, keeping on top of the manufacturer-recommended maintenance schedule will keep you and your car functional and safe. These preventative maintenance tasks can help you avoid future inconveniences like getting stranded on the side of the road and can also add value to your vehicle when it comes time to sell. For best results, a comprehensive checklist is a good way to ensure that all preventative maintenance work is performed and completed according to OEM standards. Using a checklist will also help to eliminate potential errors and inefficiencies when handling preventative maintenance.